Sunday, December 15, 2013

The P-90's and The Girlfriends at The Garage.

Photo by Jamie Kummerspeck Leigh

Hello all,

It's time for this Sunday's edition of my blog!


Guess what?

It's Sunday night!  The Christmas tree just got put up at the Feather household, and it's sparkly. (I'm tempted to repost my Wonderful Christmastime video from last year... but sadly I can't find it.  I know, I know... you're missing out.  Don't worry, I'll do another one.  Maybe.)

BUT TILL THEN!  You can enjoy Wings doing the real version!

This is crazy.  I have literally DAYS off.  Which is good, there's a decent amount of stuff to do... but all in all?  I HAVE DAYS OFF.  Billie Feather never has days off.  I HAVE DAYS OFF.  It's doing wonders for my psyche.  I can clean.  I can work on guitar.  I can sleep in.  I can work on stuff I've been meaning to work on for months!  I can write songs!  *insert happy dance*

But enough about me.

Let's talk music!

The P-90's played with The Girlfriends last night at The Garage in Winston-Salem, NC.  

Let's have a little flashback, shall we?

We had to find a fill-in drummer for the night, and after two other local drummers bailed (it happens)... we're not sure what to do.  It's two days till the gig.  After cussing, sitting, and thinking (think, think, think Pooh Bear style) almost all at once, we said... KARRIE SHEEHAN!!!  

We call Karrie, luckily and amazingly she's free.

Allow me to take a moment to give some mad props to the other drummers in my life too.  It seems I have the absolute privilege of currently playing with some of the most professional and easy to deal with drummers in the business.  Thank you - Dave Hartman, Brad Porter, and John Howie Jr.  I don't take any of the people I play with for granted.  I am a pretty lucky lady.

On Saturday Josh Caldwell (the P-90's bassist) and I roll up into Clemmons to find Karrie Sheehan and head off to the practice space.  Within an hour and a half (I'm pretty sure she can clarify this for me) she had our 10 song P-90's set ready to go.  Yup, she's amazing.  Add in a bit of girl talk (which is kind of fun, since we're both pride ourselves on being super professional and low drama in the music world) and we're all off on our separate ways to get ready for the show.

It's Dillon White's 21st birthday party show.  Which is kind of crazy since I remember him rolling up into my guitar studio at Separk Music on 4th Street with blue hair at the age of 14.

Now?  He's in my punk band!

As I roll up, Dale's outside and Josh is walking down the street.  Serendipity!

We all say our hellos, give hugs, and grab some gear out of good old Loretta.

It's a pretty cool thing to be the first people in the Garage on any given night.  The smell of years of Camel cigarette smoke, beer, and band sweat hits you like a brick wall.  Yup.  The smell of dreams and glory, eh?  The first time I played The Garage, I felt like I had arrived.  It still makes me giddy all these years later, no matter how I felt earlier in the day.  Ah!  A million memories.  All the posters from my favorite shows I've played there are still glued to the wall.

I snap out of it as the sound of Josh's bass cab's casters hit the concrete floor.  

"You ready, BeeBee?!" as he goes off to the bar in search of Guinness and a whiskey.  

I've known Josh since I was... 23?  I remember meeting up in his garage a million years ago for guitar lessons once a week and reminding him to loosen up.  All these years later?  He's a bassist in my punk band.  He's now beating the heck out of some bass strings.

I think Josh has seen me through some of the toughest times in my life.  

"BeeBee, if I have to drag you kicking and screaming through this, I will... damn it!"

Somehow, we've all crossed a threshold.  I now drink Cokes and Dr. Pepper at the bar, Josh is chatting it up with a nice lady, and Dillon is laughing and having a beer with his girlfriend.  It's a good moment.  

Sound check gets rolling, and everything comes together.  

We might just pull this off.  

"Check, check, checkin' the microphone..."

It's still crazy to hear my voice fill up a room.  Always like a dream.

Dillon flashes a smile, and gives me a fist pound to the arm.  I head butt him back.  I check back at Karrie and she gives me a head nod.  I look over at Josh, and I raise an eyebrow in worry.  I'm not used to fill-in's in the P-90's.  Normally?  It's the whole band or it's nothing.  But, it's Dillon's 21st birthday, and I'll be darned if he doesn't deserve a show for a far as he's come from that electric blue haired 14 year old.  And Karrie is as pro as they come.  Have I said she's amazing?

I zone out.  Josh catches me.  

"Bee?" Josh says.

I give him a look.

"Bee!  Think of all the other women out there who need to see this.  You're leading a punk band.  These are your songs.  We've got your back, we know you've got ours.  All that matters is right here, right now.  And guess where you are?  You're.  Right.  Here.  With people that love you.  Let's do this!"

I nod.  He's right.  There's a job to do.  And no one else is going to do it.

I look down at my boots for a second.  You know the old saying?  Put on your big cowgirl boots and deal with it.  (Or something like that... ;) )

I remind myself silently, "I'm surrounded by people I love."  One big breath, and I step up to the microphone. 


The P-90's have some amazing fans.  

Let me say that again.

The P-90's have some amazing fans.

Rick Johnson, who has some massive Ramones street cred I won't even get into on here, turned up last night and it's always a joy to see him.  Magically, he was there at the P-90's first renegade photo shoot at Wake Forest University by total accident.  I can remember the moment... "John Howie Jr?"  "Rick, you'd like this band."  :)  He's always got an amazing rock and roll story.  But last night?  He gave me the best life advice I could ever dream of.  It's as if the universe spoke through him.  I'm not sure he knows this, but it's the second time it's happened.  :)  And, for that I am beyond thankful.

Charlotte Stewart, who is our Triangle torch bearer, came out as well, and it always makes me so thrilled to see her.  She's in her last term of Law School (Rock and Roll lawyer!!!) and she said the sweetest thing to me.  "When I get really angry about exams or school, I put on a P-90's record and let you do all the screaming for me!"  Her unabashed honesty and clever wit are second to none.

Thanks to Charlotte, Karrie, and Rick for sitting with me in the corner of the bar and having great conversation the whole night.

Mad props to Mr. White, who is always so supportive of his son, and who I've known as long as I've known Dillon.  He's always a smiling supportive face, and things just feel safe when he's around.

The Garage crew (Karen Shew, you are included!)... I love you guys.  All these years later, all the times you've seen me act like a complete fool, you guys are still super nice to me.  Thank you.

To Alex and The Girlfriends, what a fun night!  Thanks for sharing it with us!

And MASSIVE THANKS to Karrie Sheenan for stepping up to the plate and knocking it out of the park.  Girl, you rock!


When I walked into the Garage last night, I felt like the old me was retiring and giving the new me the keys.  I like the new version of me.  30 is really starting to feel like the best part of my life.  I'm thankful for my 20's, but THANK GOD IT'S OVER.

Here's to all of you for listening and being so supportive of me, my music, and my writing.  I cannot thank you enough for taking this journey with me.

Get ready, because the best is yet to come.

It's always the darkest right before the dawn.  And it's going to be one hell of a dawn, I promise.

Until next time!




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